1. Combine flour, salt, and yeast in a large
bowl and whisk to combine. Add water and stir
with a wooden spoon until no dry flour remains.
Cover bowl tightly with plastic wrap and let sit
at room temperature for 5 hours. Knock back.
2. Transfer container to refrigerator and
let sit for 2 days. If you notice it to be rising
a lot, knock back and return in fridge.
3. Place a casserole dish with lid in the
oven and heat to 250°C.
4. Remove dough from refrigerator and turn
out onto well-floured surface. Shape into a
ball. Place on a floured surface, cover with a
well-floured kitchen towel and leave to rise for
about 3 hours (please note that this is in a
relatively cold room, if room temperature is
warm, leave to rise until double).
5. When risen, slash, open the oven, remove
the lid from the casserole dish, quickly place
the dough in the dish and place lid on top.
6. Bake for 15 minutes and remove lid.
7. Bake for a further 30 minutes or until
8. Remove from casserole dish and place on
cooling rack.