Instructions |
Mix flour, xantham gum and salt with whisk in a
bowl (or on a countertop). Once incorporated, make
a well in the middle of the flour. Crack two eggs
into the well and mix eggs with fork. Once egg is
mixed, add olive oil and slowly incorporate flour
into the wet mixture. Continue to use a fork to
hydrate the flour as you slowly mix everything
Once the flour has formed into a loose dough, you
can begin to knead by hand. I like to turn the
dough out of the bowl and onto the counter to
finish this step, but not necessary. Continue to
knead the dough and incorporate the flour until it
becomes fully incorporated into a ball. Knead
until the dough has a pliable and stretchable
texture. If it is crumbly or dry, just add some
water and continue to knead. Once it is a smooth
ball of dough, wrap it in cling wrap and let it
rest for 15 minutes.
Turn out the dough and divide into 4 quarters.
Flatten each 1/4 inch by hand into a rectangular shape
to begin running through the pasta roller. Start with a thick setting
(around 5) and run the dough through. Repeat the process
while narrowing the gauge of the pasta maker until
you achieve desired thickness (3 is a good thickness)
For Lasagna noodles, run the dough through three
Originally Submitted